Tuesday 15 November 2011

Bajaj Pulsar 220F VS Pulsar 180 UG4 - Power Performance Comparison

If we are going to buy a motorcycles, we always feel so confuse, which is the best motor-bike for us? Today, lets comparing 2 Bajaj Pulsar series, there are Bajaj Pulsar 220F and also Bajaj Pulsar 180 UG4 (Upgrade four edition). The key of this motorcycles comparison is you can choose what is the best Pulsar series for you, and as usually peoples always give more attention into 2 section, prices and performance, now let see the basic of this bikes data. Here we go..

Bajaj Pulsar 220F VS Pulsar 180 UG4

Bajaj Pulsar 220F VS Pulsar 180 UG4 - Power Performance Comparison
Pulsar 220 VS Pulsar 180 Power Performance Comparison

Bajaj Pulsar 220F
Engine Capacity : 220 cc
Maximum Power : 21.04 Ps @8500 RPM
Maximum Torque : 19.12 Nm @ 7000 RPM
Weight : 150 Kg
Bajaj Pulsar 220F
Bajaj Pulsar 180 UG4
Engine Capacity : 178.6 cc
Maximum Power : 17.02 Ps @ 8500 RPM
Maximum Torque : 14.22 Nm @ 6500 RPM
Weight : 147 Kg
Bajaj Pulsar UG4
As you can see, the power performance of Bajaj Pulsar 220 has better than Pulsar 180, how about the weight? this is a good fact, Pulsar 220 weight is almost the same with Pulsar 180, while Pulsar 180 has 147 Kg, Pulsar 220 just only 150 Kg !! it has 3Kg more than Pulsar 180 UG4 !!. If you want to get the premium fast motorcycles from Bajaj, and the weight is not be the problem for you, Pulsar 220 is the number one for you, but if you want lighter bike than Pulsar 220, Pulsar 180 UG4 is still better, the 17 Ps of power has still good for riding every day.

Now check the Power to Weight ratio comparison below
- Pulsar 220 : 21.04 Hp / 150 Kg = ~ 0.14 Hp / Kg
- Pulsar 180 : 17.02 Hp / 147 Kg = ~ 0.12 Hp / Kg

Which is better performance? well Bajaj Pulsar 220 has a great engine performance, the power is to strong for Bajaj Pulsar 180 UG4, the weight of Pulsar 220 is also not bad and looks still comfortable for all riders. But wait, there is also 1 thing that you have to know, the PRICES !! and also another bike features such as tools and looks style appears, let see this points in the next article and I will to try write about price and features comparison, enjoy and keep safety ride.


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